Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our brandnew Jayco Sterling Caravan.
Same outside dimensions as the Coromal, but a lot more interior room, mainly because of the single beds. Built in washing machine, separate shower and toilet (no longer shower halfway around a toilet pot), large workbench in the kitchen because there is no second lounge, large fridge and freezer, two flatscreen TV's with each a DVD player. Short: we are very happy and proud. A nice X-mas present to ourselves.
Right now we are busy packing and organizing.
There are more pictures in December's photobook.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
a visitor
Quite some wildlife around the house that we enjoyed. I will put a few more pics in the photobook (december 2008).
Life in Mt. Perry is pretty quiet. A little fiddle in the garden, some maintenance jobs, a read. It is too hot in the afternoon to be very active (35 degrees) so we take life easy and slow.
We got a new internet modem (wireless) so Pam and I can use our laptops at the same time without having to swap out internet dongle. very handy !
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Reverse cameras
What's happening in Mt. perry?
I started the reverse camera project (dutch: achteruitkijkcamera). The view to the back while towing the caravan is not great. Yes i have mirrors, but there is always a black spot. So when we were in Singapore I bought a set of four wireless mini-cams and a viewer to solve this one day. Question was how to get the cam weatherproof on the back of the caravan. Well, here is my solution.
A standard licenceplate light (Super Cheap Auto), strip all the interior parts with a Dremel, replace the diffusing plexiglass with some clear plexiglass, and fiddle the cam in the housing. Done !
Now its a matter of mounting the unit on the back of the van, connect a 9V powersupply (12V -9V converter from Dick Smith Electronic's), and it should work.
I will mount a second cam on the back of the car (handy for hooking up the caravan) and maybe a third to the front of the car that takes a picture every minute or so (to record where we have been).
I keep you informed. Jan is busy !
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mount Perry
In the meantime we get our regular visitors: the birds, the green frogs, and yes those ugly canetoads as well. We enjoy a visit to the pub, drive around in the area, be lazy; short: bloody comfortable !
Coming weekend are the Mount Perry races (horseraces). It is going to be a great event. Looking forward to that.
There are a few more pictures in the photobooks.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Mount Perry truck pull
It is hot here, but a lot nicer than in Darwin. Not so humid.
Today was the anual Truck pull. One of the big events in town. It was realy fun to see the kids, the women and the big guys pull the huge dump truck over 10 m. After a long day there was entertainment and food in the hotel. Huge crowd.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Toolakea (Townsville)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Julia Creek
Once there, we will update this blog a bit more often.
Just now for you to know: we are enjoying !!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Back on the road soon
After our stopover in Singapore, wich was very nice, we returned safely to Humpty Doo. We found the caravan and car well taken care off.
The first thing I wanted to find out what the conditions in my visa really meant, so I made a phonecall to the Immigration Department. And yes, it looks very good: I am allowed to travel in-and-out Australia as many times as I like until 3 September next year, and after each entry I am allowed to stay 12 months. So if I plan my next trip to Europe in August next year (and return to Australia before 3 september), I can stay another 12 months after that. Very nice !
The rest of the time here has been spent on preparing to travel on, although I also have been fishing with Chris and one of his friends a few times, we had our barbies (bbq), our drinks, a meal in the club, and all the rest that makes life pleasant.
We diceded that we will leave next wednesday (1 October). The car had a major service and is ready to do its job again.
It is very hot and getting humid (dutch:vochtig) in the north now, not very pleasant. So we will travel back to the eastcoast and enjoy the coast with its nice breeze. We propably be in Townsville in another 10 days. From Townsville we will head south, a part of the eastcoast that we did not discover yet. Looking forward to be on the road again.
to be continued.........
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A little more than a week to go. Monday evening the 15th we will fly out from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and travel via Paris to Singapore. There we will stay over a few days and end up in Darwin again early morning the 19th.
This week we will catch up with several people (family and friends) to say hi and goodbye. Its quite a busy agenda.
In the meantime we enjoy our stay in Maastricht, exept the lousy weather (windy, rainy, fresh).
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wedding....and more
Maartje and Jan Andries are now Mrs. and Mr. Kruijsifix.
After the wedding ceremony in the Maastricht city hall, together with family and close friends, we all left town and headed for Spa in Belgium. Villa "Le Boqueteau" was ready for a party week. It was a great opportunity to be close together for all that time. Party, dinner, breakfast, lunch, a drink, play with the kids, beautiful !!!
We came home last saturday, and that's the reason there was no update of the blog till now. I will update the photobooks as soon as possible; there are 850 pictures to chose from.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Kuala Lumpur
There are three terminals in Changi (Singapore Airport): we arrived in T1, had to leave 9 hours later from T2, so we decided to book a restroom in the transithotel at T3 which is in between T1 and T2. ..... To make a long story short: we walked some miles from 1-3-2-1-2-3-etc. The lesson of all this is to treat your budgetflight as a totally seperate trip. Fly from Darwin to Singapore with Jetstar, collect your baggage, go through customs, and check in again for your connecting flight at the right terminal.
Anyway ....we are in Kuala Lumpur, 10 AM right now, got our duty free smokes and drinks, our last flight to Amsterdam leaves in two hours from gate C25. We will be home Saturday evening !!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Humpty Doo (2)
Using the time when Chris and Annie are to work to do some home and garden jobs for them, going shopping if we need or want, visit a club, or just be lazy.
We did our preparations for travelling back to Europe : all tickets confirmed, seat reservations done, transit-hotelroom at Singapore airport booked for 6 hours (because we have to wait there 9 hours). We will fly Malaysian Airlines this time from Singapore to Amsterdam, curious how we
will like that.
In the meantime: the kids (Annie and Christopher) are busy making everything look very nice bacause Annie's parents will arrive next thursday (they live in England). Will be a busy time for them all.
Last weekend the firies (fire brigade) burned down the bush and grass right next to our block in order to prevent an uncontrolled bushfire (see the photobooks for a few pictures). That was quite spectacular. Fire hazard is very high at the moment, so care has to be taken.
Not really more to be told at the moment...see ya soon folks
Friday, July 18, 2008
Humpty Doo
We moved to Christopher and Annies place in Humpty Doo, about 30 km out of Darwin. Great time, great place to stay, great people !
At the moment I am in a club in Palmerston (between HD and Darwin) waiting for Pam to get back from the hairdresser. I am using the time to type this and promise to update the blog a little more serious this weekend ! see you soon folks ( In three weeks from now we will travel )
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Buzz' Cafe
It's Kim and Terry's last day in Darwin; tomorrow they will take off and travel west towards Western Australia, home again in October, finishing their 2 year trip around Australia. The four of us really enjoyed a send-off lunch.
From the Wharf we went to Buzz' Cafe for a drink. The cafe has a very nice feature: the urinal in the men's toilet is a glass wall that has a one-way view. You can look out, not in. Its a funny idea to stand and p.. while you look whats going on outside.
Friday, June 27, 2008

We set up camp in Howard Springs, just outside of town.
Time to update our map again.
Six month of travelling, 12.200 km, roughly 2440 L diesel (1:5), no flat tyres, one oilchange, one check and adjustment of the caravan wheel bearings (dutch:lagers), a new caravan awning (dutch: luifel) and roof repair due to storm damage, I don't dare to mention the estimated amount of beer cans (more than 500 I am sure I have enjoyed; actually having number 501 while I am typing this).
The map shows our track till now.
On August 8 we will fly out via Singapore to Amsterdam.
In the meantime we will keep you updated with our adventures in and around Darwin.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Litchfield National Park
On friday we had a day drive into the National Park itself. I updated the photobook with some pictures. It was a very rewarding day ! Too bad we could not have a swim in one of the rockpools below the waterfalls because of the presence of some crocs.
Sunday we drove to Berry Springs, 80 km from Batchelor, to have a look at our next caravanpark. Its near the Northern Territory Wildlife Park that we would like to visit, so why not set up camp there. It looked very nice. But on Wednesday, as we prepared to drive on, we changed plans and drove directly to the neighbourhood of Darwin. We heard that it is very very busy in all the caravanparks in and around Darwin and making a phonecall confirmed that. So we grabbed the empty spot that Howard Springs Caravan Resort had to offer.
In the meantime we have been in contact with Christopher and Annie, Pam's
cousin's son and his wife. They live in another suburb of Darwin (don't laugh, it is called Humpty Doo) and have enhoughspace on their property for our caravan to be left there while we visit
Europe in August. We will visit Cris and Annie in the weekend and have a nice family update.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Daly River (2)
Tuesday morning: a drive with just the car along the river. Sh.t, this is a beautiful countryside. Ending up at Brown Creek, where the road realy ends. Looking out over an inviting sandbank, briefly thinking of having a swim. Nah...better not. Those saltwatercrocodiles would love to have me for breakfast.
The area is discribed like this: "This is tropical North Australia as it is imagined by southerners. The park abounds in saltwater crocodiles, reptiles, spiders, cockatoos, wild pigs and buffalos. The foliage is a combination of mangroves, giant bamboos, pandanus and even Kapok trees".
We filled up with diesel at the local aboriginal community, and headed back to the caravan (61 L; $109,-). Tomorrow we will travel on to Litchfield national park.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Daly River
Thursday, June 12, 2008
From Mataranka we made a trip 80 km inland to visit the Barunga festival. Aboriginals from all over Arnhem Land visit this festival. It is great to see.
Next day we travelled to Katherine, famous for Katherine Gorge (for the dutch: Gorge= kloof, ravijn). Impressive ! We had a cruise through three of the 13 gorges, and after that the boys (Kim and I) had a helicopterflight. My first time in a chopper !
We will stay here in Katherine till Sunday and use the time to stock up supplies. In the weeks to come we will not be in a larger township, so we better make sure we have enhough food and drinks. Our goal is the Daly River: I want to catch that famous baramundi myself (minimum legal size = 55 cm !) and then on to Litchfield National Park.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Daly Waters (2)
Monday, June 2, 2008
Daly Waters
After we left Soudan rest area, we stayed at 41 Mile Bore in the bush, and turned north at Three Ways roadhouse. Banka Banka station is 70 km north from there. We arrived just after midday and immediately knew this was the place to be. Clean and grassy and calf's, goats, and turkeys walking around between the camp spots. Friendly staff, a little camp bar with reasonable pricing, a slide show in the evening telling the history of Banka Banka ( a cattle station). Excellent ! We stayed 4 days and really relaxed and enjoyed. Yesterday we finally left and travelled further north towards Newcastle Waters rest area. Again an evening of free camping at the side of the road.
This morning we left and arrived at Daly Waters around 1 pm. That's where we are and that's where we will enjoy one or two days around the Daly Waters Pub.
You all should write this spot down on your travel-wish-list ! I added more pictures of last week in the photo books (new one for June). Tonight we will have a nice meal and a drink in the pub.
Looking forward to a great evening with life entertainment of "the chookman" (Chook=chicken).
Monday, May 26, 2008
Barkly Homestead
Friday, May 23, 2008
On the road to Camoweal
We are somewhere between Mount Isa and Camoweal at a rest area besides thehighway. Just out in the bush, in the middle of nowhere. We left Mt. Isa yesterday morning, together with Kim and Terri, a couple we met in Karumba and who are heading in the same direction as we do.
We pulled over for a coffee in the morning and had the same thought: Why move on, its beautiful here. So we set up camp, pulled the gennies (generators) out, chairs and a table, and cracked a beer.
After a rest (cool caravan thanks to the gennie and the aircon), we started to collect firewood, got the bbq and prepared for a beautiful afternoon and evening in the open. Fire lit, because the evenings get cool. We had a lot of fun and drinks. We watched the moon rise over the horizon, heard the skippies hop around somewhere, and had a star-canopy that you can hardly imagine. Glorious.
In the morning we had enhough wood left to start the fire again (it was f.cking cold at 5:00) and we decided to stay one more night. So that is what is going to happen today: another fire and bbq and maybe a beer or two.
Life is great folks !!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mount Isa
I added a new photobook for May 2008.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ready to move on
Thursday afternoon, we just have to wind in the caravan legs and the awning,ready to leave Karumba tomorrow. It has been the perfect weather and tide last few days (actually the weather was perfect all the time) for the fishing guys and girls to be out on the water.
You can see how the park looks like when they all are gone with their trailers and boats.
For us, it's time to move on. Tomorrow we will travel south from Karumba towards "Burke and Wills junction", and from there to Cloncurry. In Cloncurry we can turn west towards Mount Isa. Mount Isa is the largest town in north-west Queensland and we will propably stay a while there. We plan to arrive there on Sunday, and till that time we propably will not have an internet connection.
Will be continued...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mrs Mac's Pharmacy
I quote from an official advertisement in a local paper:
" Mrs Mac's Pharmacy:
Furniture, prescriptions, gift lines, Vet lines, film processing, childrens toys & clothing, plant nursery & all gardening requirements".
And yes, Mrs Mac's really exists: In Karumba.
for the dutch readers: "meubelen, apotheek, cadeaus, diergeneesmiddelen, film ontwikkelen, kinderspeelgoed en kleding, plantenkwekerij en alle tuinbenodigdheden"
I will never doubt the Australian versatility again !
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Normanton / Karumba
We left Georgetown on thursdaymorning and headed for Normenton. The first part of the road towards Croydon was one lane bitumen, so we had to pull over to the side quite a few times to let some roadtrains pass (55 m long !). But once near Croydon it was all nice road. From that moment on we had the car in cruise-control at 90 km/h.
We arrived in Normenton in the early afternoon en set ourselves up for one night in the caravanpark, just opposite the purple pub. Have a look at the pictures why the pub is called that way.
Fridaymorning (Anzac-day) we attended the dawnservice at the local war memorial and after a coffee we hit the road again towards Karumba. On our way out of town we passed Krys, the savannah-king. Krys was the largest crocodile in the world ever cought : 8.63 m !!! HolyDooley what a monster. The statue is a replica in its original size !
Karumba is only 70 km out of Normenton, so after an hour drive we set ourselves up in the caravanpark there. we plan to stay here a few weeks, it's BEAUTIFUL !
Karumba is a fishing town: boats, boats and boats in the caravanpark, all leaving in the early morning, returning around 1 pm, and then everybody starts to fillet their catch. We will have a go ourselves in the days to come. I will keep you informed.
By the way, the sunsets over the Gulf are very beautiful to watch with a cold drink on the errace !
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
gemstone collection. A beautiful display of a lifetime hobby, collecting
gemstones, minerals, precious stones, gold and silver in the area and from
all over Australia. The collection is now Shire property.
We were welcomed by Sherreen (I hope i got her name right, if not, she will
forgive me) and I promised her to put her on my blog. So....Sherreen here we
go, and I am curious how that pink party dress will look on you !!!
Innot Hot Springs
drive the car up those slopes in automatic gear. I discovered that when a
red light came on: "Automatic Transmission Oil Temperature". We had to pull
over in the middle of a long slope and alow the baby to cool down. The rest
of the trip I used manual second gear on longer slopes and we had no further
We ended up in "Innot Hot Springs", vulcanic hot springs in the creek. The
creek-water is cool, but there are plenty hot wells, so you can make the
water as warm as you like by digging a hole. The caravanpark was right on
the creek and had its own hot spa's and swimmingpools, fed by the mineral
spring water. A nice hotel at the other side of the creek run by Larry and
Ross. No internet, phone and TV in Innot.
Tuesday morning we left again and headed further west along the Savanah-way
towards Georgetown. We are there now in a nice quiet caravanpark and will
stay here propably 2 or three nights and then drive on in the direction of
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
8000 Km

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Millaa Millaa
When we leave Atherton next saturday (thats the plan) part of our drive will be in the same direction. That will be hard work for the Toyota again. Wow, we had some narrow, winding, steep slopes ! And that is called the Kennedy Highway. For the Dutch: pull your caravan up through Sweykhuizen, and down just outside the village to the right to Spaubeek through Stammenderbos. That is whats called a highway here in Australia. It will be a challenge again for this 13 m, 4.0 ton combination.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Last Saturday we left Port Douglas and headed southwest, inland. Our goal was Lake Tinaroo near Atherton. The route was a beautiful but narrow winding and climbing road up into the Tablelands. The Toyota had to show (and use) its muscles pulling the 2.5 ton caravan and its own 2 ton up to Mount Molloy. No problems, although some other cars behind us were not impressed with the speed.
We passed a nice and impressive world war II monument near Mareeba where we had a coffeestop. Within a few minutes Kelly the Ranger of the park showed up with his dog, he was glad somebody stopped, so he could have a chat.
From there it was a relative short drive out to lake Tinaroo.Di sapointment ! A nice lake, but the caravanpark was at the other side of the road, no view over the lake. This was not what we had in mind, so we decided to move on, directly to Atherton, to see what the parks were around there. Our first choice was a park just outside the town and we hit the nail right on its head. This is definitly the most beautiful caravanpark we have been in. Tropical rainforest all around, birds, wallabies, nice grassy and shady spots, swimmingpool, perfect toilets etc. We will stay here a while. Its a great basecamp to discover the tablelands.
Sunday we had a trip to the local market in Tolga: Great ! More news soon !
PS: Nan, manoeuvring the caravan is just a matter of beiing a good driver and getting the right instructions from your partner. Just back in, a few times forward and backwards, and then step out the car knowing that everybody in the caravanpark has been watching you.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Port Douglas
The biggest is not a pleasant one: dengue fever. Once in a while North Queensland has to deal with a (limited) outbreak, and yes there are 18 reported infections. Where?? In Port Douglas and in Mossman ! Just where we are !
So I was a little frightened when I ended up with a big rash ( dutch: uitslag) over my body on wednesday, but no worries, its just a rash, I just got mad from the itching. Its almost gone now, so I can stop scratching.
Right now we just are a little carefull and use a lot of tropical strength insect-repellant.
Wednesday we will travel on again, heading inland to Lake Tinaroo, in the middle of the Atherdon Tablelands. We will leave the oceancoast behind us. Looking forward to that.