Sundaymorning again, 8 am, the Caravan Park starting to wake up. Noisy
Lorrekeets all over in there bright colours, an Ibis walking around the
caravan looking for any food he can get. Many people outside under the
awning of their camper or caravan, reading the paper and having a coffee. Me
sitting there at the table typing this little story.
Friday evening Pete asked me to join him "crabbing" on saturday. Leaving
here at six, we were in the boat at Saunders Beach around 7. We had 7
crabpods (nets), and the first thing to do was to load them with bait
(dutch: aas): filthy stinky fishheads, a kangaroo-leg, etc. The stinkier the
better. Trow the pods overboard with a floater attached to a rope (an empty
lemonadebottle), and wait. Waiting was so peacefull: the boat anchored under
the mangrovetrees in the shade, a fishingrod, some prawns as a bait, and
hope for the big fish to bite. We ended up with three beautifull mudcrabs
(only males are allowed to catch, minimum size of their body 15 cm). Sh.t,
they are nasty basterds, their claws easily cut your fingers or toes,
including the bones. But putting them on ice makes them nice and sleepy (and
keeps them fresh). We ended the day with a last cast of our fishingrods, and
YES !! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the line was ripped off my reel (dutch : molen)and
i had a real fish hooked. Not just a 10 cm bream but a 2 kg sweetlip. My
little baitcaster rod (dutch: hengel) did the job perfect and
yesterdayevening we had a great meal: sweetlip filet on the bbq.