After that came the Pentax ME with a 1.2 50 mm standard lense and later the Vivitar zoom. Mostly used to produce slides.
I started my digital era with the Ixus II and when that one was stolen in Paris, I replaced it with a Panasonic Lumix. Right now I own a Sanyo Xacti. I bought it in Singapore last september. Its a 6 Mp video/photo camera wich is waterproof. I can take it with me in the ocean (max 2 m deep). I must admit that the Ixus and the Lumix were better photocamera's, but this one is more flexible and less vulnerable on the beach. I can wash the sand and the salt off.

Camera's kunnen die ook in de genen zitten?Ik ben er bijna zeker van.Heel veel groeten en....
Vandaag is de oavend en mOrgen is de daag det weer dich feliciteren mogen Drenk dich alvast eine weer doan det auch.Nan
Vandaag is de oavend en morgen is de daag det weer dich besteken mogen en drenk dich noe nog mer eine.Nan
van harte, hè!
Zal vanavond (zaterdag) met Coen ene (of 2, of 3) op je gezondheid drinken.
Groet, Karsten en Merlijne
Proficiat opa!
Wie laat is d'r vlaai?
Wilter nog emus mitrieje?
als jij de BOB bent, dan rij ik wel mee!
Jan: doet mij maar 'n punt rijste met slagroon + choco ajb
Groet, K
any news coming ?
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