Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mount Isa

Wednesday evening, Mount Isa. We left Karumba as planned on friday morning and had actually a pretty boring trip via Normanton to Burke and Wills roadhouse. The roadhouse caravanpark was a pretty nothing, though they served a good meal and beer. The nicest part was the early morning: a hay-loaded road train stopped, the driver had his breakfast, and within a few minutes the cattle came out of the bushes and started to eat from the fresh hay. Great view. We took off early again for the next part of the trip to "The Curry" (Cloncurry). Cloncurry did not keep us very long: just one night. Sundaymorning we headed for "The Isa" (Mount Isa"). This was a beautiful trip. Great countryside to watch, beautiful road; we enjoyed every second. As we approached Mt. Isa the road trains showed up again. This time loaded with cattle. Three trailers behind the truck, each loaded with 144 heads of cattle on TWO decks. Roughly calculating: 144 x 3 x 600 kg = 260 TONS load.
I added a new photobook for May 2008.


Anonymous said...

Het gaat jullie goed af al dat trekken, leuk om te volgen.Zorg goed voor jullie zelf.Een knuffel van Nan.

Anonymous said...


Zag je dat?
Heel Limbrug, 1 Hollender, en een grapjas op 't water denken aan jullie.

Liefs uit de baai van Campeche, deze keer.

Zoentje van Coentje allemaal!