Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cattle country

Mount Perry is cattle country (dutch: "runder" land). Beef is the main food. Cattle everywhere. Rain is the main subject for a chat because it makes the grass grow, and thats what makes the beef.
Pamela wanted a cutting board for the caravan.
Who better to ask for than Pete Dingle (Big Pete, the woodchopper). And Big Pete DID make a chopping board for Pam.
Guess what timber it is made off ??? Right: "beefwood".
Very rare (dutch: zeldzaam) native Australian hardwood. A beauty !!!
Pete realy made it a special one, and handed it over to us with a big grin: Nobody will have one like this.
We are very happy with it; really special !
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1 comment:

Fred said...

Jan and Pam, the best wishes for 09. Sorry I missed your call, your voicemail was nice and lovely. I was just playing outside with some crackers etc.
All the best behalve of our family