Monday, February 23, 2009


I always thought I would be afraid of all the spiders in Australia. Well, I am not.
Don't get me wrong, I stay back and don't touch them (because there are some dangerous ones), but they are beautiful.

This one was at the back of our caravan, near the fence.
He frightened the sh.t out of me when I almost ran my head in his web, the size of my hand (the spider, not the web), just in front of my eyes.
Yes I did step back quickly but grabbed the camera afterwards.

Nan, this is one for you !
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ik zou inderdaad plat achterover vallen.Let op: die krengen kunnen door een heeeeel klein spleetje kruipen en 's nachts......Heel veel lieve groeten van Nan