Monday, May 4, 2009

Wildlife in the National Park

The Kookaburra and the Possum. Cute and curious. The possum just came to the door of the caravan (the green mat is our doorstep-shoebox) and took of with half a mandarine.
The kookaburra is a different story. They are around here quite abundant, filling the park with their loud rolling-laugh.
Although you are supposed not to feed the wildlife here, I wanted to see how much they like some meat. So when I saw a pair of them in the tree just across our caravan, I got some ham and put it outside on the dry rack. Within a few seconds one of the birds grabbed it away in a quick sweep. Next step in my experiment: Hold some ham between your fingers in the air and hope for the best. Swoooffffffffff....very gently but quick, the ham was gone. Grabbed in full flight with his powerfull beak, without even touching me.
OK, next step: Get the videocam on a tripod (dutch:statief), aimed at the two birds acros the path, and switch it on. My goal was filming the bird flying towards the ham that I was going to hold up in front of the cam.
So I got some new ham, and watching the two birds I slowly walked towards the camera. Even before I could raise my hand.........BANG.........a bleeding finger, the hame gone, and a THIRD kookaburra that came from behind had a nice feed.
The only thing my camera has recorded is my own voice: F.CK !!!

KKB-Jan : 3-1
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Fred said...

Jan, als ik dit zo lees, verveel je je een beetje.
Wordt het niet eens tijd om weer aan het werk te gaan.

Don't hit me, just a joke.

Jan said...

Helaas Fred, het is me ten strengste verboden om te werken met het visum dat ik heb. Hoe graag ik ook zou willen. Ik moet het dus maar gewoon zien vol te houden. Een beetje met de kookaburra's spelen, de possums voeren, een biertje drinken. Wat dat betreft heb jij gelukkig meer keuzes. Vreemd genoeg ben ik echter niet jaloers.

Fred said...

Wat ben je toch gemeen. Maar wij hebben Heineken!!!!!!
Ik (we) gaan dit week end weer naar Le Normandie, ik zal aan je denken.

groet Fred