Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ubuntu Linux

I have been thinking of doing it many times, but never really dared. But yesterday, I decided I had to: Delete Windows from my computer and install Linux.
I had all sorts of troubles with good old MS-Windows so now was the time. I prepared everything, downloaded Ubuntu 10.04, burned a boot-cd, and made a backup of all files that I needed.
The most difficult part was to export all my existing email and address book. You cannot import them straight away into a Linux mail client from Outlook.
Next step: boot from CD and install.......fingers crossed.
Guess what: I am "as happy as pigs in shit" : everything is up and running. Internet via Firefox, email via Thunderbird with all my old mail imported, Picasa for my pictures (8760), Skype. OpenOffice instead of MS-office, all my existing doc's and spreadsheets available !


Karsten said...

Gave Ubuntu a try once, booting my netbook from a USB. It was running, yes, but was too lazy to dig in deeper.
Already am using Picasa, OpenOffice, etc on my current netbook running (smooth) on Win7. Though I switched from FireFox to Chrome and I did not regret it. So light and fast, you really should give it a try!

But to be completely honest: I now only use my iPad for my daily Internet-consumption ;-) The netbook only is being used at this moment to browse binsearch and PirateBay....

Anonymous said...

Wat ben jij knap!Ik krijg een minderwaardigheidscomplex van dit verhaal! gr....Nan