Saturday, September 11, 2010


The traditional pastry in the province of The Netherlands where I am from is "vlaai". A sort of fruit-flan made from a yeast dough (dutch: gist deeg), covered with whatever fruit is available. Propably the most used fruit is apricots (abrikozenvlaai).
I have seen my mum, my mother-in-law, my aunts, my grandmother, bake one after the other. Simple job, "just bake a vlaai". But....being 61 now I never made one myself. And tomorrow is Pamela's birthday.
To make a long story is my result: not anywhere near where it should be. The dough has not risen, and mulberries (dutch: moerbei bessen) is not the best combination together with apricots.
But: I made Pamela her birthday vlaai, and I promise that I will practice my skills.
A lot of sugar on top makes it look reasonable Ok I think.


Marieprie said...

Nice try dad! Lookes like it could taste nice. Next year please bake the cake on the actual birthday, would you? We have had a little crisis over here. Resulting in sending a sorry i'm late birthdaycard on the actual birthday (I thought I was a day late). On the other hand, if you wouldn't have baked a vlaai at all, I would have sent the card on the 27th.... Big hug

Jan said...

and I thought that I gave you a nice little hint, a day in advance, to send an SMS in time. GRIN