Friday, December 3, 2010


Yes we moved! All details in the days to come. Only one item has to be solved: our phone and internet connection. I am typing this using a temporary mobile connection. Very slow and unreliable here.
Most of our stuff is here, except my tools and other "sh.t" that is still in the little shed at the other house. We will get that in the next few days.
Right now we have a house full of boxes, although many are already empty. We can cook, use the bathroom, and the bedroom is ready too. It is great.
The weather is not cooperating, it rains and rains. The water tank has already half a meter water in it during the last two days. Lets hope the weather changes soon !


Athy said...

wat ontzettend leuk om zo'n project aan de andere kant van de wereld te volgen, vanuit stuifsneeuw en vorst.Zo'n andere wereld. Veel geluk en plezier in deze nieuwe woning.

Mieke said...

Jan, waar blijven de foto's!!

Kunnen geen slangen en spinnen naar binnen?

Unknown said...

So, please do tell!
How are things over there, all settled?

Hope all is well,