Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Again a step closer..

Yesterday I got a phone call from Halley Homes to let me know that this week the footings for the house are going to be poured. The footings are the concrete foundations -in the ground- for the steel posts. The 26 holes that have to be drilled and filled with concrete. Originally they were planned to be done on 9 November.
We still had some earth moving (grondverzet) planned next week, but this can only be done without these footings in the way. So there was only one option: it had to be done today.
Well it IS done. Russel Augustine was available with his backhoe (een graafmachine) so the back area of the house is level, the slope (helling) is nicely done, all the dirt is even and smooth, and a trench (greppel) for a big drain is ready too. This drain will catch the rain water, coming down along the land during heavy rain, and keep it away from the house.

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