Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ready for the swiss cheese

Everything ready for the footings to be drilled. This is the view from the back of the land, looking down onto the area that was prepared yesterday. Pam is standing where the back of the house will be. As you can see, our driveway (oprit) is stable enough for a big truck. Allan drilled the holes this afternoon, tomorrow morning the concrete will be poured in.
Allen is the contractor who does this part of the house building, he is a one-man business, working for Halley Homes and a few other companies. I had a chat with him in the pub, after the work for today was done. He actually lives in his truck most of the year. Bed, microwave, shower, toilet, fridge, satellite TV. He travels from job to job through the country doing the same as he does for us: putting houses on posts. And he does this already 29 years.  The saving in motel/hotel costs pays for the write-off (afschrijving) of his truck !

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